如果是由 EV (Extended Validation) CA 所簽發的 SSL Certificate, Chrome 會在 URL 列列出組織的名稱。像 GitHub 的這樣:
而一般 CA 所簽發的則沒有。像 FaceBook的:
就稽核管理的角度來看,EV CA有較嚴謹的限制:
<quote wiki>
- Establish the legal identity as well as the operational and physical presence of website owner;
- Establish that the applicant is the domain name owner or has exclusive control over the domain name; and
- Confirm the identity and authority of the individuals acting for the website owner, and that documents pertaining to legal obligations are signed by an authorised officer.
較有趣的一條是 EV CA不允許簽發 wildcared Extended Validation certificate。