Quote from -- modacular
- Open up the Automator Application (Applications/Automator.app)
- Create a new document (⌘N) and choose the "Service" type for your document.
- On the "Service receives selected" item in the top side of the window select "no input" from the dropdown.
- Search for "Run Applescript" from the searchbar on the left side of the window.
- Drag the "Run Applescript" item in the main window area.
- Delete the (* Your script goes here *) line and paste this instead:tell application "Spotify" to playpause
- Save your script (File > Save or ⌘S) and give it a meaningful name like Spotify PlayPause :D
- Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts and select Services from the left column.
- Scroll down to the General Section and find your Spotify PlayPause item.
- Click the add shortcut button and press the combination of keys that will be your shortcut. (eg. I gave it the ⌃⌘P shortcut).
- Test that it's working by clicking on System Preferences (next to the Apple Logo on top of your screen) > Services > Spotify Play Pause. (Actually this step is necessary for the shortcut to be registered to your system).
- You're done! Your shortcut is now available to you, in whichever program you have open.