

目前顯示的是 2017的文章

飛碟 FT-1000BS ViewPower in OSX

剛買了這台 UPS "飛碟 FT-1000BS",在 High Sierra 裝完 ViewPower v2.14 SP1 後, tomcat web 介面可以開啟但似乎沒有從 USB 收到任何 UPS 的資料。 查了一下 osx 的 log, 發現 ViewPower 安裝程式會偷偷用 sudo 下三行 command 但是失敗 "incorrect password attempt ;" /bin/cp -f -r /Applications/ViewPower2.15/UPSVendor.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ /bin/cp -f -r /Applications/ViewPower2.15/jre/libusb-1.0.0.dylib /System/Library/Extensions/ /bin/cp -f -r /Applications/ViewPower2.15/jre/ /Library/Java/Extensions 手動把 driver copy 到相關位置就好了,看來 ViewPower installer 是假設使用者會剛好用過 sudo 有 cache password? XDDD

universal build machine: holy build box

今天看到同事分享說有這種東西: https://github.com/phusion/holy-build-box 一看之下驚為天人,我覺得這真的很有搞頭啊... 對於一個目前有 RedHat 6 / RedHat 7 / Ubuntu 12 / Ubuntu 14 / Ubuntu 16 / Debian 7 / Debian 8 / Amazon Linux / Oracle Linux 5 / Oracle Linux 6 / Cloud Linux 5 / Cloud Linux 6 / Cloud Linux 7 可能要去支援的 agent 程式而言,(BTW Debian 9 也要 release 了...),光是這些 build machine 的 maintain 和單純 build 的測試就可以讓整個 R&D 花費無數光陰在這些不一定有辦法全部一一 build 過的 platform 上面.... 對於客戶的價值是什麼?只要下載 / 匯入 一個 agent 聽起來就很酷啊!

docker run cmd with pipe broken?

半年多前放在 github 裡的 build container Dockerfile 突然有同事拿去用,但我很多細節都忘光了XD 記得之前是用 bind mount 的方式將 git repository 掛進 container 裡面,然後再用 git archive HEAD | tar -x -C /tmp 將 git repository export 到 container 的 tmp 目錄再開始 build 不知道為什麼如果在 host 用一行的方式去執行 tar 會說 broken archive... docker run -it -v $(pwd):/mnt/repo -w /mnt/repo mybuild:latest git archive HEAD | tar -x -C /tmp && cd /tmp && make 但是在 container 裡面執行 archive 再 pipe 給 tar 又都沒問題... 最後是在 Dockerfile 裡用 CMD 執行 default command,這樣也沒問題.... docker run -it -v $(pwd):/mnt/repo -w /mnt/repo mybuild:latest

Disable SMBv1 to avoid EternalBlue exploit in Windows 7

Disable SMBv1 server from windows 7: Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 0 -Force Disable SMBv1 client from windows 7: sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb20/nsi sc.exe config mrxsmb10 start= disabled References: https://www.saotn.org/disable-smbv1-windows-10-windows-server/  https://github.com/RiskSense-Ops/MS17-010/blob/master/exploits/eternalblue/ms17_010_eternalblue.rb

VMware Linux Guest Introspection Driver

VMware NSX for vSphere 6.3:  Install Guest Introspection for Linux vmware-nsx-gi-file depends on fanotify and vm_vmci kernel modules. Linux Kernel - fanotify 更全面性的檔案監控機制 RFC: VMCI for Linux KB 2073804: VMware support for Linux inbox VMware drivers

Getting start with Golang!

#Get started with Go https://talks.golang.org/2012/tutorial.slide#1 #Go for C programmers https://talks.golang.org/2012/goforc.slide#1 #Share Memory By Communicating https://blog.golang.org/share-memory-by-communicating #Codewalk: Share Memory By Communicating https://golang.org/doc/codewalk/sharemem/ #Go Concurrency Patterns: Timing out, moving on https://blog.golang.org/go-concurrency-patterns-timing-out-and #Go Language for Ops and Site Reliability Engineering https://talks.golang.org/2013/go-sreops.slide#1 #Go Dynamic Tools https://talks.golang.org/2015/dynamic-tools.slide#1 #Program your next server in Go https://talks.golang.org/2016/applicative.slide#1 #HTTP/2 Server Push https://blog.golang.org/h2push #gRPC Basics - Go http://www.grpc.io/docs/tutorials/basic/go.html #Go talks https://talks.golang.org/

[MV] 我心中尚未崩壞的地方

有天發現自己竟然成了片場裡的小丑。 小丑幸運的走上了舞台還發現了光。 但光是短暫會熄滅的,只能不停的尋找更大更亮的光。 小丑找到越來越亮的光,直到被強光灼傷.... 受傷的小丑又找到了一種淡淡的光,卻還是熄滅了。 最後小丑發現其實即使沒有光,只要他想表演,哪裡就是他的舞台。 小丑是在追求光,還是在尋找舞台?

Google Cloud OnBoard 2017 Taipei

Google Cloud Platform Per minute billing Sustain pricing: 25% 自動提供折扣 (20% each 25% usage) Compute Engine: customize CPU and memory (add more memory) Committed discount (1 year or 3 year) CloudNative use cases Free trial 300 USD (1 year valid) IAM Google Account / Service Account / Google Groups / G suites accounts Organization? App Engine Similar to AWS BeansTalk or AWS Container Service  Cloud Shell / edit / preview (Very nice integration with browser!!)  Standard environment / Flexible environment (provides ssh)  PaaS, auto scale, container Eclipse wizard integration Cloud Datastore Similar to AWS DynamoDB? Encryption / Sharding / Replication NoSQL  Auto scaling Billing Free 28 instance hour? / cost calculator  Cloud Storage Similar with AWS S3 (bucket / region / storage type by access frequency) < 5TB BLOB GB / per month (granular: minute) Multi Regional 0.026, Regional Nearline(1 time / month)0.01, Coldline (1 ...

AWS Machine Learning Workshop

Machine Learning Concepts Apply AWS ML to problems you have existing samples of actual answers For example, to predict if new email is spam or not, you need to collect examples of spam and non-spam. Binary classification (true / false) Is spam or not spam, churn, will customer accept campaign? Multiclass classification (one of more than two outcomes) Regression (numeric number) Building a Machine Learning Application Frame the core ML problems Collect, clean and prepare data Features from raw data Feed to learning algorithm to build models Use the model to generate predictions for new data Linear Models Leaning process computes one weight for each feature to form a model that can predict the target value For example, estimated target = 0.2 + 5 * age + 0.00003 * income Learning Algorithm Learn the weights of the model Loss function: penalty when estimate target provide by the model not equal exact result Optimization technique: minimize the loss (Stochastic G...

why create at least two subnets in different AZs is a must have practice?

今天遇到了一個有趣的問題,在 AWS VPC 裡要 create RDS DB instance 遇到了一個無解的問題。 原本的 VPC 規劃時只有兩個 subnet,而且無法再加進其他 subnet。 VPC CIDR: Subnet 1 CIDR: Subnet 2 CIDR: 更悲劇的是,這兩個 subnet 都是屬於同一個 Availability Zone (AZ)..... 雖然在 VPC 裡 create RDS instance 時可以選擇 "Multiple AZ deployment = No" 但接下來卻還是一定要 create DB subnet group. 而 DB subnet group 則是至少要有兩個 subnet 要在不同的 AZ, 我原本以為如果我選擇只要 single AZ deployment,那 create DB subnet group 應該就不是必要的,但看起來 AWS 是不允許的。去翻了一下 Working with an Amazon RDS DB Instance in a VPC 第一條真的寫了 " Your VPC must have at least one subnet in at least two of the Availability Zones in the region where you want to deploy your DB instance. A subnet is a segment of a VPC's IP address range that you can specify and that lets you group instances based on your security and operational needs. " 雖然我不知道怎麼只有一個 subnet 但是可以有兩個 AZ,但就我的理解應該就是指,你的 VPC 下要有兩個以上的 subnet,然後至少有兩個 subnet 是屬於不同 AZ。 這個故事告訴我們: 創建 VPC 時,可大,不可以小。雖然目前只有兩個 su...